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100+ Other Words for Boobs, Breasts and Bosoms

Writer's picture: bartlebybartleby

This may come as a surprise to some of you, but here at Flappr we, every now and then. . . write about female human breasts. We never intend to write about boobs in an exploitative fashion - no, our brand of investigative journalism is more research based. We consider bosoms, we analyze bosoms, we celebrate bosoms.

In doing so, it became necessary to find ways to describe these dense dairy dumplings. We believed it to be gauche and uncouth to refer to mammaries as "boobies" or other similar, common, analogues.

No, no, that's not our style.

In furtherance of this effort, we looked for ways to capture the essence of how enamored we are with these essential elegant weasel-easels. Our solution? When possible, we come up with unique descriptors for each set of pillowy pleasure pontoons that grace the pages of our website. Sometimes the term is weight or girth-related, like fair-sized feeders. Sometimes the term aligns to a subject's place of origin, like Copenhagen Casabas. Sometimes, the term describes a characteristic about the person, like Leninist lactaters.

Well, over the three-plus years of running this website, we've come up with several alternative words for boobs, breasts and bosoms - enough terms for us to assemble this Glossary of Glands for your use and enjoyment.

Why say "look at those big tits" when you can say "look at those Bewitching Button-Busters?"

Some things are worth celebrating. Some things are worth the extra effort.

Without further ado, please enjoy Flappr's Manual of Glossary of Glands.

Alternative Words for Boobs
Last updated: October 17, 2024

AOC Gazongas

Areola’d Automaton

Artificial Albertan Aoogahs

Bantam Weight Buttercups

BFTs (Big Fake Tits)

Big Boobie Blitzkrieg

Blouse Bunny Brett

Bodacious Bolt-Ons

Bodacious Shoulder Boulders of Boulder, Colorado

AOC Gazongas

"AOC was a Marxist midwit from Queens, but she had bountiful Bolshevik Bazoombas, so she ascended quickly in politics."



Calcium Congas


Chitty-Titty Chin-Bangers

Crime Fighting Femme Fatale with Fabulous Fun Bags

Dairy-Endowed Debutant

Daunting Dairy Doozies

Dense Dairy Dumplings

Ebullient Edmontonian Eye-Gougers

Elder Earmuffs

Elizabethan Era Erector Perfectors

Essential Elegant Weasel-Easels

Evansville Eye-Gougers

Exuberant Edmontonian Erector Perfectors

Fecund Funbags from Ze Fatherland

Other Words for Boobs

"Paige Spiranac was a proud patriotic woman who proudly showcased her Frolicking Funbags of Freedom"


Gallon-sized Glands

Gigantic West German Germknödels

Gorgeous Greenhorn Globes

Grade-A Nippopotamous

Gritty Grinder with Gorgeous Glands

Grand Canyons

Hallowed Heavies in Hollywood

Heart Pounding Hindenburgs

Horse-Faced Howitzers

Humble Honeydew Headrests

Kollossal Kraut Kugels

Lauren's Large Luscious Liberty Bells

Lilliputian Lactoids

Lovely Lot of Luscious Legal Lactators

Mace's Mountain Dews

Machiavellian Milk Fountain Maneuver


Nancy Mace Big Boobs

"Nippopotamus Nancy worked with Democrats to unseat the Speaker of the House in a move many have called the 'Machiavellian Milk Fountain Maneuver.'


MAGA Milk Wagons

Massive Montezuma Maracas

Massive Mulatto Milkers

Massively Milker'd Mesoamerican

Mexican Moo Moos


Monster Mashing Mummy Milkers

Other Words for Boobs

"Cleopatra was kind of bitchy, but nobody cared because she had great mouthwatering Monster Mashing Mummy Milkers."



Panentheistic Pani Puris

Pendulous Paleolithic Pleasure Palloncinos

Pendulous Pudding Pillows

Other Words for Boobs

"Many people argue that Abby Shapiro should've won Flappr's 2021 Milker of the Year Award, but she was pregnant and her Curvaceous Conservative Cantaloupes were fueled with performance enhancing pregnancy hormones (or PEDoubleDs, if you will). So, that wouldn't have been fair."



Prodigious Pleasure Ploughs

Prodigious Pop Star Pontoons

Pygmy Peepers


Sacrilegious Sandbags

Seductive Silicone Squashes

Siamese Sundress Seducers

Sportscasting Cantaloupes

Sweater Sirloins

Sweater-Stretching Star of the Silver Screen

Switch-Hitting Senator from Sedona

Tantalizing Thick-er-Teaters

Tantalizing Tig Ol Bitties


Other Words for Boobs

"Sydney's Tantalizing Tig Ol' Bitties made her the talk of Tinsel Town and earned her honorable mention in Flappr's 2023 Milkers of the Year award!"


Tempting Twin-Powered Trollops

Titillating Tabernacles


Traffic-Moving Mammaries

Tremendous Set of Tuscaloosa Torpedoes

Wanton Tongue-Waggers

Wondering Wizarding Watermelons

Yucatan Yowzers

Other Words for Boobs

"Get a load of the Yucatan Yowzers on Salma Hayek"


5 則留言

Mark Richards
Mark Richards

Doing great work here. I will do my best to use these on a daily basis.


Jeremy Wilkinson

Honestly, this is what College level English Lit classes should be.






Does this guy have a job or does he just stare at dictionaries and boobs all day?


What if staring at dictionaries and boobs all day IS his job? Legend.

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