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Tremendously Intriguing Topical Subjects - 04.28.23

Writer's picture: bartlebybartleby

So much to read, so little time.

Good thing for you, we've curated our own weekly digest of links from around the internet entitled "Tremendously Intriguing Topical Subjects" to help keep you abreast of the most important things happening online. We will deliver T.I.T.S. (a coincidental acronym) to your inbox every Friday (if you subscribe, for free, to our blog)!


VERY Important Clip From The Chinese Revolution - GTBT (Part Three)!

As many of you know, we're getting ready to release the final installment of Professor Jimbo's lecture series The Chinese Revolution - Good Thing, Bad Thing?

Well, yesterday, I released a clip from the forthcoming third video, which covers the Chinese Cultural Revolution through present day.

Take a look:

If you haven't watched The Chinese Revolution - Good Thing, Bad Thing?, you should start watching parts one and two now to prepare yourself for approximately 85 minutes of Chinese history as told in the most Flappr way possible.


VERY Important Donna D'Errico MILF Thirst Economy News!

For the uninitiated, the Donna D'Errico MILF Thirst Economy (the "DDMTE") is the marketplace for blogs that write stories about the photos that former Baywatch star, Donna D'Errico, has posted of herself on her Instagram that week (they are usually very bonkable).

Each week in Tremendously Intriguing Topical Subjects, I cover this important market news to help keep you abreast of how invested bloggers are in covering Donna D'Errico posting photos of herself being hot on Instagram.

Why do I cover the DDMTE? Ehhh. . . I guess it's funny to me how so many blogs / newspapers will devote so much time on clickbait! It says a lot about the state of our media today! Also, Donna is very, very attractive!

So how did the DDMTE perform this week?

Well, last week I predicted that the DDMTE would rebound from a tepid performance and that "the DDMTE will have a BIG week to close out April". Folks, , , , I am loathe to report that it would appear that I've had my first Jim Cramer-esque moment in covering the DDMTE.

Last week as there were only FIVE blogs written about Donna D'Errico posting photos of herself being sexy on Instagram.

Hand up, I will put this disappointing result on my shoulders. I shouldn't have gotten into the prognostication game. Blame me, not Donna, this is my failure and I'm willing to accept the blame because I am honorable as fuck like that.

I will say that there were good reasons (two BIGGG reasons, in fact) to believe that the DDMTE was primed to explode again. Make no mistake, the fundamentals underlying my forecast were strong.

Take a look at what Donna posted late last week and judge for yourself:


My thought was that the thirst posted by Donna late last week would have bonkable bloggers tripping over their keyboards to pen tomes on how Baywatch vet Donna D'Errico, 55, continues to flaunt her curves as she models a string bikini while eating a popsicle (a literal headline from the Daily Mail).

It didn't happen, though. I do not know why. But it does not appear that this week's results has affected Donna's champion mentality to continue posting premium thirst material on her social media accounts:

Literal eye of the tiger type stuff.

When it comes to being extremely hot online, Donna D'Errico understands that success is never owned, it's rented and that rent is due every day.

Inspiring stuff.

I would suggest that the video above, posted only a few days ago, provides ample (giggity) reason to believe that the DDMTE is poised for a big rebound next week. . . but I refuse to prognosticate any further. I will not be the mush to keep Donna DD'Errico (intentional misspelling for comedic purposes) from flourishing and receiving the praise she deserves.

As always, we will continue to monitor the DDMTE for further developments.


Very Important News

Salma Hayek: reminding everyone to not underestimate MILFy Mexican Milkers

Please read my thesis How Big Is Too Big? for my thoughts on this topic.

Gotta admit. . . the shooting woke things shtick is pretty cringe.

Daily Star: 'I'm a dating expert - women tell me men always do one thing wrong in bed' (apparently men are not good at foreplay, but I think sexperts are bullshit)

NY Post:

Ladies, , , , how's all the feminism working out for everyone?

Ok, so this appears to be the big "bonk" news story of the week.

Let's be real here, that's a ridiculous get-up to wear to fucking Costco or whatever. I am very pro-beautiful woman (many ppl are saying I'm the most pro-beautiful blogger on the internet!) but I don't need my kids seeing your entire asshole sticking out of your jorts while I'm trying to purchase some fucking carrots. There is a time and place for everything and . . . this is too much for the grocery store. And, just sayin', there was a time when cellulite was something women tried to cover up.

NY Post: I'm a proud Christian porn star — God put me on earth to enjoy sexual pleasure (*sigh* someone please notify the THOT patrol)

NY Post: My partner was glued to the TV as I went into labor (fellas, , , you can't watch TV while your wife is in labor. . . I know, I know, but you just can't)

NY Post: Halsey explains why breast milk is the 'best skincare ingredient' (is there anything that tiddy milk can't do?)

NY Post:

This is the 5,000th story about some woman (usually a wh*te wom*n) who receives criticism for wearing something too revealing at the gym. The "I'm being body shamed for what I wear to the gym" has become a meme at this point. To me, I think women should wear whatever is comfortable for them to workout and from what I understand, the spandex stuff fits this category. The spandex stuff is also fairly revealing and I think women like the way they look while wearing at the gym. That's all fine! The spandex stuff does not also need to be so revealing that your titties pop out. They make titty harnessing spandex stuff! If you're wearing non-titty harnessing spandex stuff, that is a choice and if your titties are about to flop out at the gym, you should kind of expect that someone might say something. I'm not talking about regular cleavage, I'm talking about extreme titty exposure. It's a public place, you know?

Fair enough? Sounds fair to me.

PLUS: Abby Shapiro (WHO HAS FANTASTIC SKIN, COINCIDENCE???) . . . . hasn't posted on Instagram for the past four weeks.

We hope she's doing well. We love you, Abby.


Very Important Meme of the Week

Posted in response to the news of Tucker Carlson's firing from Fox News, Dr. Harambe leveraged a certain J6 attendee (who, for some reason, was never charged and is defended by the media, Democrats and Adam Kinzinger) to drive home the point of how RW Twitter felt about the news of the day. The use of this gentleman was timely, given how 60 minutes treated him as a sympathetic figure only two prior, for some reason. . . despite the fact that he took credit for "orchestrating" things on January 6th and was the only person recorded on January 5th and 6th suggesting to protestors to go "inside the capitol".

Very weird!

Well done, @Richard_Harambe, you earned meme of the week.


Other Important News

Tucker Carlson: was fired from Fox News

One of the things I regret about not being able to write as much lately is that I don't get to share my thoughts on things as they happen. I wanted to write about Tucker's firing and how the left's (along with the DoD, DoJ and others) celebration of his departure was emblematic of how little they care about the First Amendment or the freedom of the press.

I didn't watch Tucker as religiously as some do and I did not always agree with the things he had to say (I'd even go as far to say he could be needlessly incendiary at times). But I was and still am a fan. To borrow an observation I gleaned from Stephen L. Miller's Vs Media podcast, Tucker Carlson's popularity can be traced to the way he covered big stories. While CNN would invite lock-down governors on their shows to celebrate their achievements, while ignoring the effects of such lockdowns, Tucker Carlson was the guy who invited on a gym-owner, whose livelihood was ruined by the very same governor.

Moreover, Tucker Carlson was the only person on television willing to point a flamethrower at anyone. Tucker was not sycophantic in his support of any administration and took anyone and everyone to task when they took action against the rights of the citizenry. Now we're left with, essentially, different flavors of the same voice who merely shift from offense to defense depending on who is in control of the White House.

That's a shame.

Yet, Tucker Carlson will be fine. In fact, I predict that he will make more money from going independent than he was making from Fox News.

It will be interesting to see where Mr. Carlson ends up next.

Don Lemon: also fired (so long, bozo!)

Troy Nehls: went there.

The GOP should never stop mentioning how Swalell (allegedly) banged a CCP spy.

NY Post: Trump suggests he won’t participate in 2024 GOP debates (kind of disqualifying, imo)

NY Post:

Journalists deserve every single ounce of criticism lobbied against them.

Daily Caller: Four Democrats Refuse To Endorse Biden For 2024 (Manchin and the Squad)

Daily Caller: 'I Am Big Gay Baby': Hearing Devolves Into A Series Of Grunts, Yelling After Vote On Hiding Gender Transitions (you may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension)

National Review: Still getting comments from Professor Jimbo on their YouTube videos.

It was a video of Megyn Kelly (whom we love) speaking at the NR Ideas Summit

The Washington Free Beacon: Biden Tells South Korea There Would Be Nuclear Response to a North Korean Attack (ehhhhhhh you sure about that, Jack?)

The Washington Free Beacon: 'Fossil Gas': Climate Activists Press Biden To Stop Companies From Calling Gas 'Natural' (the left loves to redefine language, don't they folks?)

The Federalist: Montana Democrat Banned From House Floor After Transgender Insurrection (you may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension)

The Most Libtarded Thing You'll See This Week:

To be clear, this is incentivizing people with good credit to find ways to temporarily destroy their credit score.

Furthermore, this is equity in action and anyone who voted for Democrats should have known what they were electing. They LITERALLY told you that this is what they planned to implement.

Can't wait to see the next housing bubble burst and for everyone to ask the question "how didn't we see this was coming" when it's staring at you right in the fucking face.


Important News, BUT Sports

The NFL Draft: where all NFL fans will overreact to the drafting of players, most of whom will suck balls began last night (Bryce Young was the first overall pick)

Hockey: The New York Rangers, my pick to win the Stanley Cup are 0-2 since I made my prediction.

Patrick Kane, I may have Jim Cramer'd your hopes of winning another Cup.

So long fucko! Nice knowin' ya! Have fun playing for the shitty New York team in a division with Belichick, Josh Allen, and a pretty damn good Dolphins roster! Seriously, how fucked up is it that Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson are fired on the same day that Aaron Rodgers gets traded? The news couldn't even let me have a day to enjoy this malignant cocksucker finally leaving the NFC North after ruining my life for fifteen years.

For clarification, I am now a full Aaron Rodgers fan and I hope he wins the Super Bowl next year for two reasons. First reason - he became pretty based over the past two years, attacking Fauci and Biden over their handling of the pandemic. Second reason - I want to watch Packers' fans suffer when Rodgers hoists the Lombardi Trophy wearing a green uniform other than their own.

Another important note - I think Jordan Love, Rodgers' successor in Green Bay, sucks balls. However, if for some reason he ends up being the next Aaron Rodgers, who himself was the next Brett Favre (i.e. a HOF QB that ruins my fucking life for 15-20 years), I may need to commit seppuku and end my life. I cannot deal with another Packers QB ruining my Sundays well into my 50s.

Yes, that does appear to be an accurate headline

Outkick: Anthony Richardson Traits Suggests NFL Star Quarterback In Making But Metrics Say Otherwise (my prediction is that Richardson will be a bust, which means he's going to make the HOF)

Outkick: Olivia Dunne Clone Breckie Hill Shows Off Flexibility As War Escalates (so so many Oliva Dunne clones these days and I don't even know why Oliva Dunne is famous)

Yes, that does appear to be an accurate, literal, headline

Paige Spiranac: is a (golf) ball enthusiast.


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Apr 30, 2023

Paige Spiranac has balls.


Apr 28, 2023

*taps sign*

You can bully journos.

It is always morally correct.


Apr 28, 2023

I'm alive.


Apr 28, 2023

I'm alive. Barely.

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