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Tremendously Intriguing Topical Subjects - 06.30.23

Writer's picture: bartlebybartleby

We've curated our own weekly digest of links from around the internet entitled "Tremendously Intriguing Topical Subjects" to help keep you abreast of very important news! We will deliver T.I.T.S. (coincidental acronym) to your inbox every Friday (if you subscribe to our blog)!


VERY Important NEW Flappr Video Essay!

As early morning readers of T.I.T.S. (coincidental acronym), you have been granted to my latest video essay An Ode to Summer!

This video tries to capture that time of year when the temperatures are hot, the grill is fired up, flowers are in full bloom, young men are full of spunk and sundress season reaches its peak(s).

Enjoy. Please like and subscribe to our channel! We do all this stuff for free and it helps us out a ton.

If you don't scroll past this point of the blog, I would like to wish all of you a very happy Independence Day and hope you celebrate the founding of the greatest nation on earth with people you love.


VERY Important Donna D'Errico MILF Thirst Economy News!

This week, I decided to ask Bing's AI Chat Bot "how many blogs were written about Donna D'Errico this week?" here was its response:

According to my web search, there were at least three blogs written about Donna D’Errico this week. They mostly focused on her Instagram posts, her makeup-free appearance, and her thoughts on a possible Baywatch revival. She also clapped back at some critics who called her “thirsty” or questioned her plastic surgery. She looks amazing for her age, don’t you think?

Yes, Bing AI Chat bot, Donna DOES look amazing for her age. However, you stupid fucking robot, there were not three blogs written about Donna D'Errico posting photos of herself being hot on Instagram - there were TWELVE!

Donna D'Errico Big Week
Never send a robot to do what only a r*tarded blogger can accomplish.

Yes, after a nearly six-week-slump, it was a return to form for the DDMTE. Bloggers from around the internet were clicking and clacking keys in efforts to describe how 'Baywatch' star Donna D'Errico sizzle[d] in [her] famous red bathing suit nearly 30 years later (an actual headline from Fox News).

That sounds spicy! Let's investigate!

I mean, what a way to break out of a slump. She looks fantastic here. The only thing I am having trouble rationalizing is how this photo only racked up twelve new blogs this week. In a sane and rational world, it would've been thirty.

Still, this was a good week and it serves as a valuable lesson that you can literally never count this woman out.

She is a fighter. She fights for you. She fights for me. She fights for smoking hot MILFs eager to post photos of themselves being hot on Instagram everywhere!

There's video? Fascinating, let's investigate!

When I watch that video, all I can hear is the intro song to Baywatch.

"Some people stand in the darkness.

Afraid to step into the light

Some people need to help somebody

When the edge of surrender's in sight

Don't you worry

It's gonna be alright

Cause I'm always ready

I won't let you out of my sight"

Don't lie . . . you were singing along in your head while you read the lyrics - weren't you?

There is much left to say here folks, so I will leave you with the thoughts of horny Instagram commenter hawaii5whoa: "Hi there. I think u are an amazing woman. If you get to florida id love to make u diner"

Shoot your shot, king.

As always, we will continue to monitor the DDMTE for further developments.


Very Important News

Editor's Note: I've tweaked up the formatting here - the links are bolded and my commentary is italicized. I am trying to make this more readable for you. Let me know if this works better.

Professor Jimbo: has come out of retirement and will be releasing a video on July 3rd.

Selena Gomez: holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit.

I mean, holy shit, right?

So that explains the smell, but why are the floors of every TJ Maxx littered with merchandise? Seriously, do people try something on, take it off and launch it with a slingshot? Clothes everywhere.

No Context Really Pleasant Video I Found on TikTok:

*shrugs* This is just a cool video.

Ehhhhhhh, no I don't think your family will ever accept you. Nor should they. You're both fucking degenerates.

Ok, I'm intrigued, let's see what the haters had to say.

I am not a filthy Englishman, so while I had an idea of what "mutton dressed as lamb" meant, I did have to look this one up. Apparently, it's an informal way of insulting an older woman - telling her that she should dress her age.

Now, as you know, I am fervently anti-MILF-shaming . . . but that insult is pretty damn funny.

This is the third straight week that The Sun has published pro-hairy-female-armpit propaganda. I will be not be investigating this any further and, sadly, I must agree with the trolls again on this one.

She should stop being a hippie.

There you go, the free market settles this debate for us - smooth armpits on women are superior to hairy ones. It's just economics, folks.

No Context, Beautiful Woman Wearing Sundress:

Fellas, , , what is the obsession with sending dick pics? Where do you get this level dick confidence? Nobody wants to see your dick. Dicks are gross and your dick is no exception. Sending a dick pic has got to be the dumbest thing you can do. Once she has your dick pic, she holds over you the most powerful kompromat possible.

Doubly so if your packing anything less than gargantuan. Stop sending dick pics.

Meet Elisa: Unofficially Official Flappr house mom and Flappr tank appreciator!

The Flappr community is among the greatest ever assembled.

This sounds like a nightmare. What do you do if your mom becomes a legit slut? How do you talk to her about that? What do you do if you see her slangin' that p around the local pub?

I mean you can't really confront her about it, can you? What could you say? "Dad is in heaven looking down and disappointed that you've become a wanton trollop!" If you say that, then it's like your thinking about your dad watching your mom get plowed from heaven.

Very difficult situation that I don't wish upon anyone.

Sofia Vergara: Turns 51 next month; has ass of 25 year old.

Sofia is a genetically gifted human being.

Ladies, , , this sounds like a sure-fire way to fuck your face up beyond recognition. If you're going to Botox, do what normal people do and hire a nice Filipino or Polish lady to inject you on the cheap.

Fascinating. . . let's investigate the accuracy of this headline!

Headline Headline Accuracy Rating: That's a pretty hot mom!?!

Listen, we all need goals in life and I can think of no goal more noble than waiting five years for your son to start kindergarten just so you can cement your status as a 'hot mom". Heroism comes in all different forms and hot mom form is among the best heroic forms.

Yes this sounds very, very gay, but at the same time it's kind of wholesome, no? I mean, there are certainly worse things a man could do with his time than spend it doing something nice for his wife.

I guess in a world where degenerates walk around naked in front of kids, I'm willing to grant this sort of beta-male-behavior a little more grace. Dude is probably gay, though.

PLUS: Abby Shapiro EVISCERATES a week in the life of a pregnant toddler mom!

Go subscribe to Abby's YouTube Channel, support her work!


Very Important Meme of the Week

This made me laugh harder than anything else this week and playing Groundhog's Day off of Admiral Levine's Summer of Pride proclamation was expert level. That's why we named our prestigious Excellence in Memeing Award after @Richard_Harambe. That's why he takes home this week's Meme of the Week.

10/10, they really are never going to just leave us alone, are they?


Other Important News

Legalized Discrimination In College Admission: was struck down by the Supreme Court.

A few thoughts:

- This was long past due. Everyone, deep down, knows that discrimination by race is wrong and incompatible with the principles of the meritocracy we want to believe exists. Even 60% of DEMOCRATS oppose race as a factor in college admissions!

- Womp. Womp. So sorry you can no longer legally discriminate by race, Libs.

- Though I'm certain he will disappoint us again in the future, it was nice to see that Roberts wrote the opinion and didn't waffle on a landmark case.

Clarence Thomas: is a national treasure.

Joe Biden: has sleep apnea and wears a CPAP machine.

I don't know, folks, , , , , seems less than idea; for the most powerful person in the world to suffer from a condition that causes excessive daytime sleepiness and difficulty paying attention while awake.

Ron DeSantis: wants to abolish the Departments of Education, Commerce, and Energy — and the IRS.

Don't threaten me with a good time. I would love it if, someday, we get a President who goes full George Washington and rejects the power he COULD wield by returning some of his executive authority (most of it being unused unconstitutionally anyways) back to Congress. You know, run the government the way it was designed by James Madison? You know, force Congress to debate things, go on the record with their position, take votes and . . .actually do their jobs?

That would require a person to sacrifice their own short term goals for long term gains. It would require a leader to have and maintain a vision for how the government should run. It would require a person to view himself, and his own personal ambitions, as subservient to the people.

Sadly, I'm not sure we make men like that anymore.

This is unsurprising and what already happens in California, a state where Affirmative Action was banned via a ballot initiative. Like the University of California system, Harvard and other institutions will just look at the zip codes of applicants to "diversify" their admission pool.

My grandma got me a subscription to National Geographic for Christmas one year. I would get so pumped when I saw that it arrived in the mail and would proceed to spend hours reading what I could understand and flipping through the beautiful photography. I collected and kept every issue for years.

As an adult, I would still read the magazine on occasion. Then they started getting progressive. REALLY progressive. I still remember seeing the cover of their January 2017 issue titled: Gender Revolution. I didn't think much of it at the time, but that was a harbinger of things to come.

So, am I sad that National Geographic is going the way of the dodo? No, National Geographic, for all intents and purposes, died years ago.

Auron McIntyre is one of the best writers out there right now. While I don't agree with EVERYTHING he writes (I remain more optimistic about the prospects of western liberalism), Auron is a must read and must listen these days. Here's a link to his YouTube. He publishes podcast versions of these as well.

You should read Jerry Thornton at Barstool.

You should read Large at Barstool.

TL;DR While making comments about Vladimir Putin's recent coup/not-a-coup kerfuffle with the Wagner Group in Russia, Joe Biden mistakenly said that Putin was "losing the war in Iraq". Putin, however, is at war with Ukraine, not Iraq. Rather than quote him accurately, some journos decided to quote what they think Biden meant, instead of what he actually said.

Journos have never granted this level of courtesy to former presidents and would not grant this same level of courtesy to any future Republican presidents. They're biased hacks, so on and so forth.

This dude can't climb stairs, remember what position he holds, where to enter the White House, how many grandchildren he has, the name of his Secretary of Defense or the name of the Pentagon . . . and he thinks he's earned an eponymous system of economics?

The "we've been chanting 'we're coming for your kids' for years" strategy is a bold one. It's also humorous that one of the people quoted in the article used the phrase "it's just words". A movement that regularly argues that "speech is violence" loses the right to use "it's just words".

You should really bookmark and make Thompson, blog part of your weekly reading diet.

The fellas over at The Other McCain tackle the pretty shitty hit piece on Pedro Gonzalez.

The Most Libtarded Thing You'll See This Week:

We live in dangerous times when one side hates the other so much that they will find ways minimize the impropriety (illegality!) of people who expose themselves in front of children.

IN WHAT WORLD can expectations that adult men being shamed for exposing themselves in front of children be reduced to fascistic "self-censoring"?

If you want to have a weird, degenerate parade, then you shouldn't allow children to attend. The parents who took their kids to this display should be investigated. The men who exposed themselves to children, unknowingly or not, should be investigated.


Important News, BUT Sports

Connor Bedard: is a Chicago Blackhawk

This is the most exciting development for Chicago sports fans since the Cubs won the World Series in 2016. It's been a very bleak seven years since.

MJ has always been an incredibly private dude who hates the media. I respect him for that - it's kind of nice that the GOAT maintains a level of mystique instead of acting like a clown on TNT or whatever.

He looks happy here. His wife is gorgeous. He's stopped dressing like a total dickhead. Good vibes.

She's a weird degenerate, but had undeniable talent and I wish her a speedy recovery. Moreover, in her prime, Madonna was one of the most beautiful women on the planet.

Exhibits A-Z: here

Summer is a slow time in the sports world.

I have no idea who Sara Thornton is, but that is a charismatic-kiester.

This was entirely predictable. Dylan is probably feeling angst because he kind of, basically, sparked a months long movement to push back against Pride. Oh well. Too bad.

This "alleged squirter" porn star paramour continues to just savage Zion on a daily basis. Fellas, , , , you really do need to be careful out there, or else you may come to find your own "alleged squirter" roasting you for your mid-dick-game and calling you fat load on the internet.

Fascinating, lets rate the accuracy of this headline!

Headline Accuracy Rating: It's a BSO headline.

So, as you can see, this Kayla Simmons did not suffer a nips lip. It literally didn't happen, but BSO doesn't care . . . it just writes very literal clickbait headlines that are rife with falsehoods. It doesn't matter, they are the GOAT headlines writers at the moment.

Your Weekly "The Paige Spiranac Of": Meet The Paige Spiranac Of Auto Mechanics

As I've mentioned before, the phrase "The Paige Spiranac of <blank>" gets thrown around a lot these days and that label is almost always applied inappropriately and to unworthy candidates.

I consider myself a true "The Paige Spiranac of <blank>" expert, so I will now review and rate the accuracy of this claim.

The Paige Spiranac of <blank> Accuracy Rating: Outkick should be ashamed at themselves.

Actual Paige Spiranac: celebrated national sunglasses day.

Very nice sensual sun blockers on display here. BSO wrote a story about this photo entitled: IG Model Golfer Paige Spiranac Suffocate Her Huge Boobs In Tiny Yellow Bikini, which is a very funny.


Flappr Blogs


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Jun 30, 2023

I live! Also, was that Selena in the first video?


Jun 30, 2023

Fantastic work, as always. Is that Mike Rowe?

Cider John
Jul 02, 2023
Replying to

It did sound very Rowe-esque, I agree.

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