It’s news. It’s sports. It’s commentary on weird shit from around the internet.
It’s Tremendously Intriguing Topical Subjects, our weekly digest of curated links designed to keep you abreast of very important news!
Very Important News!
Mediaite: Megyn Kelly Singlehandedly Had Over 30 Million More Views on YouTube in July Than NBC or CBS News
Need a white pill to start your Friday morning?
Traditional media is not dead, but it is dying. Nothing highlights this more than the rise of independent journalists, podcasters, and streamers, such as Megyn Kelly, who, according to Mediaite, "attracted 116.8 million views last month, easily outstripping NBC (78 million) as well as CBS (83 million)" on YouTube. Kelly has achieved this level of success despite only having six staffers, no national TV presence and by doing her show with few guardrails. Regardless of what you think of Kelly, this is good news. Corporate media, which pretends to be unbiased, has become unsalvageable to the point where I'd rather read or listen to sources that are open with their biases - so that I can then confirm what I learn on my own.
Kelly's career trajectory has been a fascinating one. Born in my home state of Illinois, she obtained a law degree from Albany University in 1995. She practiced law for nearly a decade in Chicago before moving to D.C., getting into television, and joining Fox News in 2004. At Fox News, Megyn Kelly became a huge star. Kelly's show, The Kelly File, became the second-most watched cable news show. Then, of course, Kelly hosted a GOP primary debate in 2015 and drew the ire of Donald Trump after asking him some fairly targeted questions. This was the beginning of the end of Megyn's time at Fox, she left the network for NBC in 2017 - a failed venture where NBC's libtard audience never gave her a chance, executives shuffled her around and ultimately terminated Kelly in early 2019.
In September 2020, The Megyn Kelly Show launched as a podcast and has been steadily gaining an audience ever since. I listen to this show from time to time and can say from my perspective that she has become increasingly unchained over the past four years. She interviews "controversial" figures, like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (lol), and hammers away at progressives from a fact-based POV. Most importantly, Megyn's continued presence on YouTube and SiriusXM is working towards dismantling traditional media. That Tucker Carlson and Megyn Kelly, hosts that had HUGE audiences on cable news, can maintain (perhaps even grow) their cultural significance without corporate backing illustrates how decentralized this business has become. More like them will eventually follow suit. We may end up having fewer "reliable sources of unbiased news", but the corporate media pulled the veil off that farce long ago.
Seeing Megyn Kelly beat out NBC and CBS makes me happy. I will continue to cheer on her efforts to dispense red pills to normies and weaken traditional media. She's also MILFy, intense, well-read and can come across as slightly mean (in a good way), which many find as attractive traits in a woman. So, that helps too.
I've never written about Heidi Klum on this blog before (reader correction: yes, I have), but she might be one of the horniest women on the internet. Unlike fellow MILF thirst trap enthusiast, Donna D'Errico, Heidi Klum doesn't have an OF account - so she's not posting boobs to promote anything - she's doing it for fun. And unlike other MILF thirst posters, Klum's posts tend to be aggressively thirsty, showing off her Glamorous West German Germknödels with stunning frequency.
I began to notice this trend from the America's Got Talent Judge back in June when she appeared on Hot Ones and opened her jean jacket halfway through the episode to "cool herself off". She then removed her jacket entirely and finished her gauntlet of spicy buffalo wings wearing only a red brassiere.
She's a beautiful woman with Fecund Funbags from Ze Fatherland, but this felt a bit "extra", you know? Like, perhaps, opening her jacket and exposing her bra was part of a plan she had going into her appearance. I mean, I don't think I've ever seen anyone disrobe from eating spicy wings. Sydney Sweeney didn't - which brings me to my latest foray into behavioral theory.
The Sweeney Effect, as defined by me, is an effort to go viral on social media by being incredibly attractive, typically by exposing or presenting one's bosoms in an aesthetically pleasing pose or shocking manner. I have seen an uptick in this phenomenon since Sweeney's viral SNL appearance a few months back. The problem for those wishing to capture Sweeney's internet-breaking magic is that, while they may be hot, they are not Sydney Sweeney, who seems to go viral effortlessly by simply existing in time and space. There, I do not recommend that anyone try to mimic this approach, because the result comes off as a bit contrived, and while manufactured hotness is still appealing, it is much less so.
Then again, Heidi Klum could just be a hornball. She is German after all, and Europeans do tend to be degenerates in that way.
This story is a rare crossover event for this blog, featuring Donald Trump, a staple of the Regular News! section of this digest and Jen, who was the subject of our 2022 article titled Local MILF Bullied For Being Hot. It's kind of like when Fred Flintsone showed up on The Jetsons or Steve Urkel appeared on an episode of Full House. Real universe-breaking stuff, you know?
According to Jen, Trump asked her fiancé "who the hell is that woman" before Trump reached out to shake Jen's hand and said "Wow." Jen says that Trump then proceeded to call her "beautiful" five more times before the couple departed. Fascinating stuff.
This must have been quite a moment for Jen, who captioned her post with "I can officially say Donald Trump knows who I am and thinks I’m beautiful…GOD BLESS AMERICA". It must also have been a welcomed respite for this mother of four who has endured a seemingly endless amount of bullying from fellow women for "being too hot". By my count, The Daily Star and The Sun have between them written about Jen at least TEN TIMES with the majority of those articles dealing with "hate" she receives from "trolls" for things such as "being a hot pregnant mum", getting body shamed for "posing in a bikini as a mum with abs" and for "wearing crop tops" because she loves flaunting her "fake boobs".
In all seriousness, that video illustrates Trump's appeal to many people. He speaks the way you'd expect a boss would greet his employees' spouses at an office Christmas party circa 1997. It's casual flattery, it's ingratiating, and it comes across like a real human experience. You may laugh, but that type of authenticity matters in retail politics. Think about how cool it must have been for her fiancé. It's not often that one of the most famous people in the history of the world tells you how hot your lady looks. He bragged about this to the fellas.
Good for you, MAGA MILF, Jen. We support your efforts and please consider Flappr the next time you want to publish an exclusive story on what it's like being too hot.
Regular News!
Kamala Harris: did an interview
It took 39 days, but Kamala finally sat down for an interview. Sure, it wasn't a solo interview (she sat with Tim Walz). Sure, it lasted only 18 minutes. And sure, it wasn't live (it was pre-recorded), but it WAS an interview.
In many respects, it was a very Kamala experience. She wasn't a complete and total imbecile, she didn't cackle uncontrollably, but she did offer answers that were completely devoid of substance. She said she would not ban fracking, but when asked why she changed her position from 2020, she barfed some word salad about climate change and said "Let's be clear. My values have not changed."
When asked what she would do on day one as president, the Cackler offered up that she intended to "strengthen the middle class", without offering any details on how she would accomplish this goal. She did mention implementing her "plan" for what she calls "an opportunity economy", which sounds like the type market tested buzzword her campaign paid 5 million for some consultant to conjure up.
When Dana Bash asked why she hadn't implemented such steps during the 3 1/2 years she has served as VP, Harris said that she was "very proud" that the administration "has brought inflation down to less than 3%". Harris did not, of course, recognize that while inflation is currently less than 3%, the total amount of inflation on consumer goods since she took office is up nearly 21%.
When the conversation turned to Walz, Bash asked why he lied about "carrying weapons of war in a war", that chubby goober said he "wears his emotions on his sleeve and suffered a “grammar” error. This is a bizarre lie that makes no sense. Bash did not the natural follow-up question on why, in 2004, he was carrying a sign proclaiming to be a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom (he did not go to Afganistan, he retired and abandoned his unit).
If I'm being honest, Dana Bash asked harder, more direct, questions than I thought she would; however, Bash did not ask the important follow-ups, often letting Harris off the hook. For example, Bash asked Kamala if she "had any regrets" for "staunchly defending" the capacity of our senile commander-in-chief and Harris said, "No. Not at all". Bash did not follow up and ask, "What did you know?" or "Why didn't you speak up?", she just moved on. Ponderous.
On the whole, she performed just well enough for the media to be able to cover up for her vapid, substance-free, responses. That's the bar set for retarded Democrat candidates and . . . she surpassed it, probably.
Kamala Harris: wants to build a big, beautiful, border wall
Kamala Harris, the dimwitted Democrat nominee for president, once said that "[a]sking taxpayers to pay for a border wall is a terrible idea" and "[f]unding Trump’s unrealistic border wall would be a gross misuse of taxpayer money" and "Trump's border wall is a complete waste of taxpayer money and won't make us any safer" and vowed to block funding for such a "medieval vanity project" . . . now says she will spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border if elected president.
Since becoming the de facto nominee (despite earning zero votes) on July 27th, Kamala Harris has backtracked on essentially every single position she held before that date. According to random staffers for her campaign (because, of course, Kamala can't speak for herself) Harris no longer favors banning fracking, Medicare for All, EV mandates, or mandatory gun buybacks and now supports no tax on tips and building a border wall.
At this point, I feel like the media and the Harris Campaign (same thing) are just trying to drive us all insane. And it's working. How do you compete with a narrative-shaping machine like the one we're witnessing? The average American voter will never learn that Kamala has changed her stance on all of these issues because the average American voter relies on the media to think for them. As a result, the average American voter is hilariously uninformed, and votes based on a very closely cropped framing of issues that should matter to them. Ergo, we could be fucked because the average American voter is real fucking dumb.
Speaking of which . . .
A stunning number of Americans believe Trump is "far left" or "far-right"
This Mainstreet Research poll came across my feed this week and made me thoroughly frustrated. There are a breathtaking number of Americans who are stunningly ignorant of history, politics, and what words mean. Donald Trump is not, by any stretch, "far right" or "far left", yet nearly half of Americans believe this is the case. These people vote and their vote counts as much as yours. The 10% of respondents who rated Trump as "far left" were probably trolling, but the 37% who answered "far right" are just typical MSNBC viewers, and it's maddening.
If anything, Donald Trump is a centrist. The man is the least conservative republican nominee during my lifetime - and it's not particularly close. If I had to frame Trump's politics using references from recent memory, I'd say that he's a 90's Democrat. You may not like to hear that fact, but it's fucking true. In fact, on many issues, Trump is to the LEFT of Bill Clinton - who signed the 1994 Crime Bill, welfare reform, and the Defense of Marriage Act (three issues where Trump has taken less than traditional conservative positions).
This isn't even necessarily a criticism of Trump - it's just the truth and another example of the power of media framing. The average American does not know their ass from the hole in the ground when it comes to who or what they're voting for these days. The TV says Trump is Hitler so it must be true. The TV said illegal immigration is good, so it must be good, but now the TV says build the wall, so it must be bad. Americans are woefully fucking stupid. Maybe we always were.
The Other McCain: Rule 5 Sunday: Sydney Sweeney IS Black Cat!; Do Taxpayers in Madison, Wisconsin, Want Schools to Celebrate a Killer?; and What Is a ‘Conspiracy Theory’?
The one in which Robert Stacey McCain pondered the right-ward shift of comedic actor turned conspiracy theorist, Russell Brand:
"Permit me to point out that socialism is itself based on a conspiracy theory, a paranoid fear of “capitalism.” This is especially true of Marxism. The whole appeal of Bernie Sanders is that he panders to the anti-corporate paranoia of his supporters, and if you’ve spent any time at all with “Bernie Bros,” you know how kooky they are. So by going from a socialist/Labour perspective to embracing “all the suspicions and anxieties of the new American right,” Russell Brand did not become more paranoid. He simply shifted the focus of his paranoia, and so now he’s labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” In other words, it would seem, “conspiracy theory” is now defined as any belief that might cause someone to support Donald Trump. Funny how that works."
I agree with the framing set out in the final sentence, but not necessarily the part about paranoia being exclusive to communists and Marxists. Mr. McCain might be referencing paranoia as part of those ideologies without excluding a greater sampling of society, but I am not sure. To be honest, I think those who aren't a little paranoid about everything these days are the weird ones.
I know I am . . . but wasn't always this way. I am less conspiratorial than most, but the past decade has made it impossible for me to wholly trust anything I read or watch, or am told. The lies told by our government and the media during COVID-19 should never be forgotten. How those with power have sought to punish and/or silence dissenting views should shake you to your core. The extent to which the media has and will go to perpetuate mistruths in furtherance of their "narratives" should cause you to reconsider every consensus we've ever been sold - including, and especially, ones that confirm your priors.
If that makes me paranoid or a conspiracy theorist, then, well . . . ok, I accept.
Odds and ends
US Born NHL star, Johnny Gaudreau, and his brother, Matthew Gaudreau, were killed by a drunk driver while biking in New Jersey. They were in town for their sister's wedding. This is a really, really, sad story.
Mark Zuckerberg admits he helped the Biden-Harris administration censor you on Facebook; promises that he WON'T DO IT AGAIN!
RFK Jr tells Rucker that Mike Pompeo begged Trump not to release all JFK assassination files.
RFK Jr’s hot daughter says dad cut head off dead whale with chainsaw.
Donald Trump says he wants to get his hair cut at a black barbershop.
Noted anti-racist, Robin DiAngelo, accused of plagiarizing thesis by stealing work from minorities (it's like poetry, it rhymes).
American Shieldmaiden, Ilona Maher, will be posing for Sports Illustrated.
You folks have lots of opinions on country music.
Bald eagle 'too fat to fly' after gorging on a raccoon; is very relatable.
Barstool Sports podcast host, Kirk Minihane, solved another murder.
Dave Cullinane returned to the Kirk Minihane show; replacing the producer who replaced him less than a year ago.
Mike Mutnansky (shout out, Mutstack!) turned down a full-time job offer from Dave Portnoy at Barstool to host a 10-week part-time show on a far, far, far, inferior platform; he is a complex, insane human being.
Sarah has a 10/10 rack (Flappr Fact Check Rating: true).
Siraj embraces the little things in life.
Sports! Sports! Sports!
NFL Preview
I'm going to speed-run an entire NFL Preview blog using as few words as possible. Teams have been listed in the order I think they will finish within their division.
New York Jets - Rodgers is back; I hope they win Super Bowl because fuck the Packers.
Miami Dolphins - will make playoffs; but lose in the wild-card round because the offense is not suited for cold-weather football, I am still a TuAnon supporter, though.
Buffalo Bills - rebuilding year; Allen could lead them to the final wild-card spot, but they need to retool the roster for another run at the Chiefs.
New England Patriots - worst team in NFL by a wide margin; fuck them, they never should've fired Bill Belichick, Drake Maye looks shitty.
Cincinnati Bengals - Burrow is back, defensive coordinator, Lou Anarumo, is one of the best coaches in the NFL; the team will win the division and make a Super Bowl run if the offensive line can keep Burrow healthy.
Baltimore Ravens - are talented; will make playoffs and lose in the wild-card round because Lamar isn't (yet) a strong enough pocket passer.
Cleveland Browns - Watson sucks, should've kept Flacco, I hope Jameis Winston plays; will miss playoffs.
Pittsburgh Steelers - Justin Fields, Russell Wilson - hahaha both fucking suck; the team will miss playoffs - Tomlin suffers his first losing season.
Houston Texans - C.J. Stroud is legit, the roster is improved; could be an actual threat to the Chiefs.
Jacksonville Jaguars - Trevor Lawrence shit or get off the pot year; will make playoffs or the whole staff is fired.
Indianapolis Colts - a weird team, Anthony Richardson probably sucks, aging defense; could make playoffs, but probably won't.
Tennessee Titans - have a really bad roster, Will Levis might be good, but probably sucks; fuck them, they never should've fired Vrabel.
Kansas City Chiefs - fuck, fuck, fuck, their roster is better than last year and they're probably going to win Super Bowl again; would be first team to three-peat, I give up picking against them.
Los Angeles Chargers - surprise playoff team in year one under Jim Harbaugh; Herbert finally reaches potential, and wins a playoff game.
Denver Broncos - Bo Nix will be good, but the team still lacks talent thanks to 54 million of Russell Wilson dead cap space; will be fun to watch but not win more than 7 games.
Las Vegas Raiders - dumbest roster in the NFL, extremely top heavy, makes zero sense, Gardner Minshew is cool, but not a full-time NFL starter; Raiders will be one of worst teams in the league.
Dallas Cowboys - Cowboys become the first team to repeat NFC East division winners since 2004, not because they're good, but because the rest of the division sucks; will not make NFC Final, McCarthy will be fired.
Philadelphia Eagles - Maybe the most talented roster in NFC, but the team looked broken at the end of last year, Hurts might suck now; might make playoffs, but Super Bowl not happening.
Washington Commanders - Jayden Daniels will be good, but the team still lacks talent; will be fun to watch but not win more than 6 games.
New York Giants - this team fucking sucks; should've never given that contract to Daniel Jones, Daboll is a good coach but might get fired.
Detroit Lions - have the best offensive line in football, Jared Goff is good, defense is better, no reason for them to lose this division; a Super Bowl run is imminent.
Chicago Bears - every fiber in my being is telling me that having optimism about the Bears is a mistake, but I am ready to allow myself to be hurt again - the offense is loaded with talent, Caleb should be good, the defense is even better; Bears will make the playoffs, I am going to regret typing that out, fuck, fuck, fuck, why do I do this to myself?
Minnesota Vikings - losing J.J. McCarthy hurts, but the team has talent and Darnold might suck less under Kevin O'Connell; will miss the playoffs.
Green Bay Packers - picking them to finish last makes no sense, they should've beat the 49ers last year and their roster is better this year - whatever, fuck the Packers, fuck their fans, fuck Brett Favre, fuck Aaron Rodgers, Fuck Jordan Love and if you are a cheesehead, fuck you too.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers - mediocre team will win the worst division in football; happy for Baker Mayfield, yay.
Atlanta Falcons - stupid fucking team could've hired Bill Belichick, but didn't, signed Kirk Cousins to a big money deal and then used the number 9 pick to draft a 24-year-old rookie QB with bad knees; the team is run by retards, might sneak in playoffs with losing record
New Orleans Saints - have really dumb roster, which makes no sense, Derek Carr sucks; will miss playoffs again and Dennis Allen will be fired.
Carolina Panthers - hahaha thanks for Caleb Williams, you stupid fuckers; Bryce Young is a midget QB, not good, the team will suck again.
San Francisco 49ers - still the best team in the division, love Brock Purdy, All-American Boy, Kyle Shannahan is a great coach, defense is great; will not return to Super Bowl, Aiyuk and Trent Williams hold outs, disarray, window is closing, could be a surprise collapse team.
Los Angeles Rams - Stafford is back and healthy, improved talent on defense, stole DE Jared Verse in the draft; and will make playoffs, Puka Nacua is a fun name to say, try it - "Puka Nacua" see, fun, right?
Seattle Seahawks - hard team to gauge, new coach, shit or get off the pot time for Geno Smith; could sneak into playoffs.
Arizona Cardinals - the team was feisty last year, despite a shitty roster and missing midget QB; will be improved this season, and win 6-7 games.
Chiefs over Lions - fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Brian Urlacher: Big Sydney Sweeney Guy
I have an unhealthy love for Brian Urlacher. Growing up in Chicago, I was fortunate to have watched his entire Hall of Fame career when he played for the Bears and was, during many seasons, the only reason worth rooting for the team. When the Bears won the NFC Championship in 2007 and Urlacher hoisted the George Halas Trophy above his head at snowy Solider Field, it was the pinnacle of my football fandom. When Urlacher walked stoically off the field as confetti rained down upon him after the Bears lost Super Bowl XLI - his pain was my pain. When Bears' safety, Major Wright, landed on Urlacher's knee (essentially ending his career) in the back of the Vikings endzone during a meaningless game to end the 2011 season . . . I was crushed.
This is why, earlier this week, I deleted a tweet (which was blowing up at the time) that highlighted one of Brian Urlacher's current passions - liking Sydney Sweeney posts on Instagram. Brian does this religiously. Of Sweeney's last 10 posts to Instagram, Urlacher has publicly "liked" 6 of them. For those of you who struggle with simple math - that's a 60% "like rate", which is impressive - all things considered. While my post was only intended to celebrate Urlacher for our shared appreciation for Sydney Sweeney's thirst posts, I feared that someone on Twitter with a larger audience than our own might see our findings and turn it into a blog that might ruin Brian's day and his hobby. I would not be able to live with myself if I were the person responsible for NARCing on my hero. So, I deleted.
I sacrificed thousands, perhaps millions, of views on X and I have zero regrets. That's what bros do for each other. That's what one Boob Guy (me) does for his fellow Boob Guy (Brian). We don't shame each other for our love of Sydney Sweeney's prolific pendulous pontoons, we secretly give each other a subtle thumbs up, a wry smile, and a wink. That's what writing this blog (which barely anyone will ever read). This is me, liking Brian's likes of Sydney Sweeney's thirst posts. Well done, 54. Happy to know that the greatest middle linebacker of his generation is a fellow big boob enthusiast. Your secret is safe with me, Brian.
Truth be told, I have been a bit down on Paige the past few weeks. I remain displeased with her decision to join an OnlyFans-like platform and milk money from her fans. Eagle-eyed observers will notice that she has not appeared in this blog since she announced that venture, which I find distasteful and beneath a woman of her stature. Kind of like when Tom Brady released the TB12 Method app and charged his fans 20 bucks a month for diet advice. A bit exploitative, yeah?
But Paige has won me back. It would appear, albeit circumstantially, that Ms. Spiranac reads Flappr and has taken the advice offered to her in the July 5th edition of this blog. In that article, I noted that "matches between internet personalities is a growth market" and "competition, between two amateurs who are very good at their sports, but not skilled enough to be professionals, can be very engaging" and suggested that Paige should start a league where she "[takes] on other eGirl golfers of the same vein". I've advocated for this endeavor a few times since then, not that anyone noticed.
Well, according to the Daily Star, "social media sensation Paige Spiranac is set to return to the fairway to compete in the upcoming PGA Creator Classic. The 'Creator Classic' is a nine-hole tournament featuring four foursomes, with a mixed field of male and female influencers each competing as individuals. The roster for this event includes a bunch of dudes I don't know and Paige Spiranac, but surprisingly none of the Foreplay guys from Barstool (a ponderous decision).
So, this officially sponsored tournament from the PGA is just a worse version of my eGirl Sports Influencer League (the "ESIL") idea. I'm sure that the guy from Dude Perfect will draw an audience but imagine match play between Paige Spiranac and Hailey Ostrom - now THAT would do numbers!
No need to credit me for my concept, I am just happy to see Paige embrace my vision to invite the public to watch her compete at her core competency. She's a very talented golfer (albeit not a professional). It will be great to see her play outside of the realm of slow-motion Instagram thirst posts. The ESIL lives?
We must investigate the literalness of this BSO headline (for journalistic purposes):
Yep, that's "Volleyball Star Kayla Simmons" who is "showing off massive underboobs" while wearing what could only be described as a "tiny two-piece bikini". That's literally what those photos depict. This is a literal BSO headline.
Not much more to add here other than to admit that I was going to stop at nothing to find a way to incorporate Kayla into this week's blog. I feel like she earned that much. Kayla has been on an absolute tear this month; her social media thirst posting has been second to none. This curvy queen to the sands seems to be entering her prime as an eGirl sports influencer and inspired me to create the best 8-second gif ever assembled.

This is my favorite creation ever (aside from my children), it might be the best work I've ever done and there was zero chance I wasn't posting it again this week.
Meme of the Week!
This week's top meme honors go to @jarvis_best and @assliken for this meme that mocks law sign virtue signaling and the way libtards embrace whatever the DNC tells them, even if that position was something they were told was abhorrent even just a few years ago.
The meme itself is very funny, but the real story here is the reposting and re-watermarking of the meme that elevates it into an inside joke among people in the community. You see, neither @jarvis_best nor @assliken made this meme, I made this meme. Jarvis and Jay then re-watermarked it and reposted it to callback to a meme that Jarvis made last October. That original meme was not watermarked and was stolen and reposted by several big accounts who gave Jarvis no credit. As a result of that saga, several of Jarvis' followers (myself included) started reposting his meme with their watermark to troll Jarvis. This became a running joke. @SirajAHashmi even got Ben Shapiro to retweet a re-watermarked version of this meme - which might be the funniest outcome of the joke thus far.
To me, stupid, esoteric, shit like this is what makes X fun. It's the stuff that builds communities and makes the anonymity feel less anonymous. You can make friends (not Jarvis, though, he's kind of an asshole) on this app and develop in-jokes and code. So, when I saw Jay and Jarvis re-watermark my meme, it wasn't annoying, it was funny and a reminder that we all spend too much time on the internet.
I reached out to @jarvis_best and @assliken for comments on receiving this week's award and here is what they shared with me for publication:
Scum, both of them.
Some Flappr Blogs!
Nicely done.
It's "Twitter," and anybody calling it by another name is just too lazy to type six additional letters.
I see how it is...ok, I'll leave a comment...I love you...Krissy_MeowMom...
I agree with what makes X fun, even as it frustrates me! I'm also trying to get a feel for the Seahawks this year. They're tough to read until they start playing real games.
Always appreciate the NFL comments! Keep them coming!