Ah, yes, a personal essay from the blog you only read for commentary on Nancy Mace's Boobs. Just what you were hoping for, I'm sure! But this is the state of things here at Flappr and I think the few of you who might read this non-SM&UT tend to enjoy whatever I write, so why not?
If you haven't already heard, after nearly 5 years and over 1000 blogs written, I have taken a break. I ran this blog and published something EVERY SINGLE WEEK (save for the one when I was in the hospital) from May 11th, 2020, through December 27th, 2024. I set a standard and that standard was that I needed to publish AT LEAST one blog a week, or else Flappr was an endeavor not worth doing. Somehow, I maintained this level of productivity for a pretty impressive, multi-year run, while making Cloth Off Friday videos and other stuff on our YouTube page.
I took pride in meeting that standard and that pride was the little part of my brain that refused to let the weekly S M & U T blog die. But when I finally admitted to myself that this style of blogging was futile in an age of social media . . . I felt stupid for having held out so long.
Permitting yourself to stop doing something is a unique feeling.
It should feel like defeat because you did fail, but that's not how I would describe this experience. On the contrary, I felt empowered by the freedom to take a break, refocus my efforts, and try something new. This was a nice feeling! I enjoyed being a little bit lazy! I have been posting re-runs of the Cloth Off Friday for about a month and nobody seems to notice or care!
Taking a break is fun! Until . . . you have to stop taking a break and I had to stop taking a break to write the 2024 MOTY Awards. The MOTY blog is our most visited blog and has historically been published on December 31st each year. But this was a self-imposed deadline, one I chose to ignore this year under my new "do less" mindset. I would get around to writing the blog after the holidays, I told myself, thinking I could fire up the content factory like I had countless times before.
But then I couldn't.
The first week of January rolled around and the thought of writing 3500 words (ended up being 4126 words) was about as enticing to me as having sexual intercourse with your mother (e.g., something that felt like an obligation - because she's a nice lady who enjoys the company and you rarely call her these days).

Yet, no matter how hard I tried to gin up the effort, I just couldn't find the will to start writing. That's never happened to me before. I swear, I usually can summon the desire to perform this task on command (just ask your mom). Sure, there have certainly been times when I felt more invested in my writing than others, but never have I been unable to clack the keys and come up with something funny.
Now, I eventually forced myself back to the keyboard and I think the end product ended up being some of my best work . . . but I was shocked by how quickly I fell out of form. All the discipline I had built up over 4 and a half years vanished in only a couple of weeks of being lazy (kind of like your mom giving a blow job, but that's a whole different discussion).

And that's the point of this essay, I suppose. Sometimes when we allow ourselves to let go of something important to us, we don't realize how much of ourselves we are letting go along with it. I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, but it's part of the decision that is made, whether we like it or not. When you set a standard for yourself, you build up discipline. If you relax that standard, you should not expect that discipline to remain with you for long. Much like anything else, if you do not exercise a skill regularly, it will atrophy and you'll be left to build it back up if and when necessary.
I think that's something important to remember. Not just for stupid shit, like blogging about politics, sports, and breasts, but for non-stupid shit, like diet, exercise, and relationships. There is nothing wrong with giving yourself a break now and again. Yet, if you let that break linger too long, then "being lazy" might become your new standard. And "being lazy" might just be a worse fate than whatever prompted you to take a break in the first place.
Something for you to consider.
God bless you and God Bless America.
P.S. I was just kidding, your mom gives great blow jobs.

P.P.S. Before you go accusing me of being a pervert, all of these videos, including the one above of that old lady staring through your soul while holding a vibrator are not from some porn repository. These are ALL stock videos from a normal website and are freely available for download for anyone and everyone. So, yeah, blame the people who made these videos, not me.
P.P.P.S. It was wholly unnecessary and inappropriate to include this whole bit about your mom in this essay. I guess, at the end of the day, I just enjoy being a rascal. I like to make people laugh and without the humor, this essay felt a little too self-motivation-y to me. So, yeah, the joke here is that I am having an ongoing sexual affair with you mom.
I used to have a blog. Did about a million words, then didn't. Nowadays because of the job I stay quiet on the web. I have an alternate theory: the thing that said "stop" is still trying to tell you there was a need to stop. That might come back, but it's perhaps less of an atrophying of skills than it might be a subconscious realization that It Was Time To Stop Dammit. May things work out and I'm glad for the stuff you have done.
Self-evaluation and such ... stepping on toes a bit here ... solid essay. ~~~ Angie
True that. Your mom doesn’t talk about you when she’s w me.
GM - good reminder to keep moving.