Since our President announced that he would be nominating the Honorable (its a description as well as a title) Amy Coney Barrett (hereafter to be referred to as ACB, because brevity is the soul of genius) to the Supreme Court, Twitter has exploded with vitriol aimed at every aspect of her life.
So many women out there screaming and marching for choice, reproductive rights and the desire to have it all on our own terms, they look right at ACB, the embodiment of everything they cry for, and complain about her dress.
Like these mental giants:
But akshually...
OH SNAP!!! is that RBG, not wearing a suit? To her confirmation hearing? She wasn't qualified at all to be there, was she?
Hold up!!! Check this one out! This incredible woman who made all this possible also not wearing a suit on confirmation day. Scandalous!
Demanding that women be given the same opportunities as men and then demanding they dress and behave as men is the antithesis of what feminism is supposed to be.
They would like ACB to wear a suit. Who wears suits? Men. Would ACB be more palatable to feminists if she dressed like a man? Would her accomplishments and credentials be more acceptable if she looked less like a woman? Or at least more like a "womxn's march" participant?
Women should be celebrating ACB for making it all the way to SCOTUS without giving up being a woman, just like her celebrated predecessors.
ACB should be your poster girl for choice, how do you not see it?
She chose her career and made it to the top, feminism rails against her outfit. Nobody mocked RBG for her collar doilies, they talked about what an inspiration she was.
She chose her partner for life and has a happy fulfilling marriage, feminists call her a submissive slave to men, meanwhile they applaud Hillary Clinton for staying married to a man who actually treats her like garbage.
She chose to have children and adopt some more to save them from a miserable life of abject poverty, and they call her a white privileged racist. Yet feminist article after feminist article about Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Sandra Bullock and others who adopt children from all over the world, are posted and shared and commented on with praise for their selflessness.
Why is modern feminism so gross? Because of that. A legion of mean girls, dressed like dudes, who were not nominated to the SCOTUS, cannot understand how ACB could possibly be sitting in a senate confirmation hearing if she is not wearing the appropriate uniform.
Feminists don't care about choice, they don't care about empowerment, they only care about you being as miserable as they are. Put those tits on ice ladies, find something real to bitch about. Somewhere out there someone is charging sales tax on tampons, or holding a door open for a Womxn's Studies major at Starbucks. Go scream at the sky on their behalf.
ACB is happy and successful and empowered to make her own choices.
There is nothing a Feminist hates more than that.